I’ve created logos for a variety of organizations including podcasts, education nonprofits, and start-ups.
I designed this booklet for Testudo, an online art market that showcases and advocates for contemporary artists. Kate Parvenski shot the photos for this project.
For the 2017 Women’s March on Washington, I created these free posters.
For Thanksgiving, StoryCorps launched The Great Listen campaign to encourage families to record stories on the Storycorps app. I created these graphics for an instagram campaign.
Shared Studios brings people together to share their stories. I created these information columns for an exhibition in Times Square.
RNY is dedicated to early childhood education. I created this one-pager to illustrate the work New York needs to do towards equitable early childhood education.
I’ve created a variety of wedding paper materials including invitations.
Aenean malesuada mattis volutpat. Nunc molestie neque nec rutrum aliquet. Suspendisse tristique ornare ipsum eget placerat. Sed dignissim finibus ligula, vel porta nisl posuere vitae. Sed in facilisis quam, et ultrices metus. Cras ac imperdiet diam, vel gravida mi. Mauris molestie metus eu lorem lacinia blandit. Integer ut venenatis velit.
I designed this report about school suspension in New York for The Education Trust—NY. You can read the full report here.
I work with authors to create covers and interiors for novels, poetry collections and nonfiction. I collaborated with illustrator Isaac Kestenbaum on the Radio Diaries cover.
Cras sed scelerisque purus. Nullam ligula felis, tincidunt interdum bibendum at, rutrum non elit. Quisque cursus pellentesque augue id consectetur. Mauris auctor, turpis vitae porttitor sagittis, orci purus vulputate neque, ut pretium dolor enim eu velit. Quisque hendrerit est vel felis aliquet, sed porttitor turpis congue.